5 Tips To Get More People To Join Your Discord Server

Attracting new members to your Discord server can be tough. You need to find people that are interested in the same things as you, and convince them it’s worth their time to join your server. But there is a lot of competition out there! So how do you get more people on board? I’m glad you asked. Here are five tips for increasing your Discord server membership:

Invite Friends To Join Your Server

Inviting your friends to your server is a great way to get noticed, but if you are asking them directly it can feel spammy. A better option is to let people know where they can find the link – put the invite link on your Twitch page, for example!

Share Your Server On Social Media Sites

This is a simple one, but it works. Social media sites are great places to let your followers know about your server and keep them updated on what’s going on inside of it – you can also use hashtags to help people find the content they’re looking for!

Make Sure The Purpose Of Your Server Is Clear

What do you want your server to be? If people don’t know if they’re allowed to post memes or not, for example, then the last thing you’ll want is someone making a fuss. Make it clear what’s okay and what isn’t!

Spend Time Building Relationships With Potential Members

The main reason why people join communities isn’t just to communicate with others, they’re there because of the people. So help them get involved by getting to know your members better and spending time building relationships!

Buy Fake Discord Members

There are many sites online that sell Discord members. All you need to do is input the number of members, select a package, and pay. It’s as simple as that! They’ll be living on your Discord server in no time at all!

Of course, we pride ourselves on having the best Discord members on the market. So if this is an option you’re interested in; be sure to check our Discord members here.