Everything You Need To Know About Discord

Discord is a voice and text chat app that was designed for gamers, by gamers. It’s free to use, available on both desktop and mobile devices, and doesn’t require any additional software. Discord has been around for about four years now, but it has only recently started gaining traction as an essential tool for gaming communities of all sizes. In this blog post we will discuss everything you need to know about the service!

When Was Discord Created?

Discord was created in 2015 by a developer named Jason Citron. The voice chat app didn’t start getting popular until it partnered with various eSports and gaming communities like Team Liquid or Faze Clan.

Who Uses Discord?

Anyone can use the service but its main focus is gamers. However, recently more and more non-gaming related discord servers have been popping up as well such as group dedicated anime fans and even dating!

What Is A Discord Server?

A discord server is a location where anyone can join to chat with other users, voice chat and even play games!

Is Discord Free?

Yes, Discord is completely free to use but there are some additional features you can purchase like the ability to upload higher quality images and other perks.

What Can You Do With Discord?

You can do many different things on Discord such as, voice chat with your friends while playing games, share links & media in text channels, send direct messages privately between users (or anonymously if you prefer), manage large communities of people through servers, create private servers for yourself or certain groups of people etc..

Where Can I Find People To Talk With On Discord?

You can find plenty of gamers on many different websites such as Twitch.tv which recently partnered with Discord allowing streamers to directly connect their twitch account to a specific server so that viewers could easily converse in real time during streams! You can search Google for lists of top discord servers to join if you’re looking for some new friends!

What are Discord members?

Discord members are people who join a specific discord group. The more Discord member a server has the more popular it is and the more engagement your going to get inside the server. That’s why you see many people buying Discord members on sites like ours for their server. (FYI we sell Discord members here)